Friday 5 September 2014

Catching up....Seals...."and where did the water go?!"

Hi all ....long time no typing by me. We spent about a week and a half with very poor Internet and another week of Kelly having a writers block. So here we are now trying to get caught up. 
We left Amherst on August 19 and headed for Digby. We took the scenic route and stopped in Look Off at an Rv park for two days. Look Off is the right name, you drive up a hill to a "Bench" that over looks the Start of the Annapolis Valley. The Bench runs for about 130 kilometres to Annapolis and then on to Digby. 

 Annapolis Valley from "The Look Off"

We went on a hike and more by luck than good planning ended up back at the start. It was a trail as Webster would define it, there were no markers,maps,or any real indication where you were, What fun.
We left Look Off and headed for Digby where we stayed for 3 nights. The first day was spent touring the town and getting supplies, Day 2 was off to Long Island and Brier Island. The drive to long Island takes about 45 minutes to the ferry.

Long Island Ferry

The ferry runs every hour on the half hour and we were happy we left the trailer at the RV park. Once you are on Long Island you head straight for the Brier Island Ferry as it leaves every hour on the hour and it takes 20 minutes or so to make the run. The Brier Island Ferry is the same type as the Long Island Ferry and takes about 12 minutes to make the crossing.

North end Light House Brier Island
We stopped right downtown and bought a picnic lunch and then headed out to the Northern Lighthouse and Seal Cove. Seal Cove is about a 1.5 km hike in and it is also apply named. As the tide went out and more rocks were above water they were quickly covered with sun seeking seals.

I think they see me.

I think they don't care.

We ate our lunch and were entertained. We got back to the truck a couple hours later and headed for the Mid Island Lighthouse. We parked the truck and followed an old ATV track to a bay and saw even more seals.

They are everywhere.

I tried to find a beach ball to see if one of them wanted to play but I was out of luck. We also saw two people hauling out two huge bags of Periwinkles. Apparently they are good eating and a good money maker. After spending 6 hours exploring Brier Island we headed back to Long Island. We stopped at "The Balancing Rock" along the way. It is about 1.5 km in to the rock with the end of the trail being 275 steps down to a viewing platform.

Balancing Rock 4 feet by 20 feet

The rock was as stated just balancing there and I don't know how. Actually I don't know how it lasted with the winter they had.
Back in Digby the next day we explored the docks and the Subway for lunch.

Before lunch

After Lunch

The tides in Digby can and do go through 40-50 feet so you need a long rope to tie up your boat. We were walking on the water front and came across a park with the flags of Canada and could not resist this shot.

Yup it felt like home for a minute.

We left Digby and headed to Yarmouth and I will continue the next Blog there. We hope all is well with you all and thanks for reading our ramblings.

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