Sunday, 2 February 2014

Rainbows and Horse Races and Getting Blown

Well the honeymoon is over and so is the unbelievable weather we have had.  On Thursday we went for an 7 mile hike to Rainbow Falls. It was the least taxing of all the hikes we have done so far. It's called Rainbow Falls because of the rainbow rocks on the path leading up to the falls.

Two of the Rainbow Rocks

The rocks looked better when wet but they were still very cool. I don't know what kind of geological event has to happen for the rocks to have all those colours in them, but we were glad it happened. We carried on up to the falls and yes there was actual water in the desert, only one person climbed the ladders as she had wet feet already.
On the way back to the parking lot we came across this little guy, we aren't sure what it is and nobody wanted to hold it.
When you're hiking in the desert it is very nice when you can find water, just ask June.
By thursday night the winds had come up in Desert Hot Springs. The weather people said that we had gusts to 50 mph, all I know is that the trailer was rocking and it wasn't us(this time). The wind blew for about 40 hours straight and has been back a few times since, not as bad but still there. 

On Friday night it was horse race night at the park. Yup horse races, well not real ones. We have 6 horses and 12 squares and 2 dice. The first dice roll is the horse and the secound is the number of spaces the horse moves. This sounds boring until you include the betting on which horse will win. So we drank beer and bet on horses for 2.5 hours. We did so well that we don't have any quarters left for laundry this week.

Saturday was a down day to recover and Sunday was 2.5 hours of pickle ball for Kelly and a good walk for June. Sunday night is poker night and Super Bowl night, lets just say Kelly and the Broncos have lots in common.

Hope all is well with you all.
Take care Junkel


  1. 2.5 hours? Wow, are you now a true pickleball convert?

  2. Really enjoy reading your blog... Hard to keep up with you!!! Glad you are enjoying it all so much
    Anne Smiley
