Wednesday 15 October 2014

Its just a little wind

The night before we were scheduled to leave Little Rock the park attendant came around with a sheet of paper with the location of the storm shelter in case of a tornado. Well this did little to help us sleep and in the morning the wind was a howling and it was raining about 2 inches an hour. Around 11 am the rain dropped off but the tornado warning was still in effect so we checked the weather maps and decided to get out of dodge while we still could. What can we say, when you live in a trailer and there are tornadoes around you leave. Tornadoes have a tendency to find and destroy trailers. 


Pentecostal Church outside North little rock

The drive from Little Rock Arkansas to Checotah Oklahoma took us just over 4 hours. We were down to 40 miles per hour several times as the rain was relentless and then after 2 hours poof it stopped. The thunder clouds and the odd bit of lightning carried on for another half an hour but nothing outrageous. During this lull in the action we stopped for lunch at one to the rest areas and took these pictures.

June looking at a Mulberry tree

A Sassafras tree

We had heard of Mulberry and Sassafras trees but had never seen them until today. It was a tiny bit strange as the Mulberry tree had three graves at the base of it from 1899. The tree was planted beside the grave of three family members who were buried there, not something you see at every rest stop. 
A half hour after crossing into Oklahoma the rain returned but not as bad as before and by 6:30pm it stopped all together. We had a restful night without visions of Tornadoes in our heads. The next day was laundry and grocery day, what fun. Our late day walk took us to a nearby lake and we caught these two photos there.

Tiny Frog not much bigger than a quarter

A Huron at Sunset

We quite liked Checotah and will come back here again. It is the home town of Carrie Underwood but we didn't see her here, not that Kelly would know who she is he doesn't do Country or Western. We are out of Wifi range for the next couple of days so we will try and update again soon. Take care and we thank you for reading our blog.


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