Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Looking for a Lost Horse in a desert with a name.

Hi one and all. We have been here now for just over 2 weeks and it sure is nice. I find myself thinking about our friends as we do different things. The hikes are great and I think of Mike and Dan from work. Most people are up before the crack of dawn so that they can fit everything in and I think of Don Highsted. Even he couldn't keep up with it all.  Some of the hikers went on a 45 km bike ride through Joshua Tree National park and John comes to mind. I think he would enjoy the biking and running down here. Oh yeah I forgot about the shopping and the pool time I'm sure Lynn wouldn't mind that a bit.  There is a 9 hole par 32 golf course here that costs $19 around(cheaper if you buy a punch card or yearly) and I think the Brooks/Zoziaks would kind of like that. The weather has been as good as anyone can remember, the daytime highs 27-30 but the humidity is only 15-20% so it doesn't wipe you out.
Anyway Saturday was trivia night and we won a whole $4.00 but it was for the fun of it. Sunday found us at the Pickle Ball court for a couple of hours then the pool. Sunday night Kelly channeled his inner Reid and won the big prize at Texas Holdem night winning $120.00. Not bad for 2 hours of card playing.

Monday brought us out on another hike. This time to Lost Horse Mining Loop in Joshua Tree National Park. It is a 7.0 mile hike that we completed in a little over 3.5 hours.
The mine ran from 1893 to 1936. By 1936 the gold was long gone and the national park was founded.
This little guy was the only inhabitant we could see.
The trail took us through incredible views. There was a fire that came through a few years ago and at times the terrain would fight right into a "B" rate apocalyptic movie.
The hike continued for another 2.5 miles till we came to an old homestead. The only thing left was the chimney and and the springs from an old bed.
When we came to the end of the trail some of the others didn't have enough workout(losers) so we went for another mile hike through "Hidden Valley".
When we got there it looked like "Fred Flintstone" should  walk out from behind the next boulder.
We climbed to the top of this one.
By the time we got back it was a toss up between lunch,sleep or hot tub for the muscles. Lunch won with the hot tub a close secound.
Yes he has his suit on
Well that's all for now I hope all is reasonable with each of you.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

What's a Joshua Tree? and Why did I hike there?

Hi all I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you who take the time to read my ramblings. It is nice to get the feed back. (Yes Peter the next post will have more pictures of the RV Park).
We went on 1 and a half hikes this week as well as all the other stuff that is always happening. Kelly donated another $15.00 to a needy texas holdem player and 50 cents to a crib master. We soaked in the hot tub and swam in the outdoor pool. And we made a bunch of new acquaintances.  We also ran into two guys Kelly use to work with, Rick Nelmes and his girlfriend and Greg Little and his wife are also here at the same park. Apparently last year there were 10 ex BC Tel/Telus people staying here at this Park. Small World.
The Hike on Monday was up Flag Mountain it was an 8 mile hike with a 1500 foot change in elevation. One of the "greyhounds" on the hike asked Kelly if he was alright at one point his response was "Fat doesn't oooze uphill" there was silence then they walked away.

 The view from the top was great and with the binoculars we could actually see the cars in the distance. The hike down the back side of the mountain mainly followed what must be a creek/river during the rainy season.

I guess the water just roars threw here but not enough to remove this little "bonsai" like tree growing out of the rock. We walked for about a mile and a half in this canyon then the last 2 and a half miles on basically flat desert.

Thursday hike was only a half hike because June bailed on me very shortly after the alarm went off. It was suggested that we both couldn't bail and that apparently I wanted to go on the hike more than sleeping in. June missed out I think. The hike was to Warren Peak in Joshua Tree National Park.  The park is huge and home to the largest Joshua Tree in California.

This is the Joshua Tree the Reed like leaves are very sharp and tough.
we started the hike at the 4000 foot level and climbed to 5100 feet. It was a lot cooler and there was a good breeze blowing. There was a great increase in Vegetation with Joshua Trees giving way to scrubby looking pine trees as the elevation increased.
There was a water hole half way up and our leader took a group through the same spot last year and there was a foot of snow on the ground.
The Peak
The View
You could see down into the Yucca Valley and beyond on the north east side as the peak provided a 360 degree panoramic view. We walked back the same way we came for a total of 6.2 miles a nice little jaunt.
Well the weekend approaches and Kelly has to help do some roofing then on Saturday it is of to a Date Farm and a video on the "Sex life of a Date"................... I'll let you know.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

One Week Here Already........WOW

Wow we have been here for a full week now with the emphasis on FULL.  We went for another hike on Thursday that was 6 miles long with a 1500 feet change in elevation. Fortunately the elevation change was very gradual so it was not as demanding on our out of shape bodies.

The highlight of the hike was the two waterfalls, one with very little water and one bone dry. The water one has been dry the last few years when the group came through and the dry one was for climbing.

The wet one was called "The Shower" by the rest of the group because the rock around it was 'polished' smooth by the thousands of years of water trickling over it. The climb up the the dry one was challenging but we made it.

The scenery was great and that is the Salton Sea way in the background of the top picture. We were told not to touch just about every plant we saw, some of the plants were obvious even to an old telephone guy like me. We just don't have plants like this on the Island.

Michelle this picture is for you

By 12:45 we were back at the trucks and we headed for the Soup Plantation for lunch as our hike leader turned 71 that day. Yup there is even a guy from Salts Spring Island that is 77 in the group so there is no way we are not going to finish a hike.
Friday was grocery,dishes,laundry day with a little swimming pool time in there as well. Friday night was potluck dinner at Al and Shirley's(June's bus buddy from Sidney). A pleasant evening was had by all.
Saturday morning starts with a walk around the whole park 2.2 miles then we heard weird noises coming from the tennis courts.  The noise turned out to Pickle Ball.  No offense Rod but the I want to know what the guys were drinking that came up with this game. Its a cross between badminton,ping pong and tennis with its own unique scoring plan.  I played two games and with a lot of help from an pro didn't embarrass myself to badly.  We are going to buy a beginners set of paddles and tried the game again.
In the past 7 days we have hiked a total of 13.2 miles through grottos and over dead waterfalls, waked about 12 miles around the park, spent two days helping Al build his garden shed lost 15 dollars playing texas holdem met about 30 new people and loved every minute of it.

Monday, 13 January 2014

We're Here

Yes we made it to Desert Hot Springs, and we are happy to be here. The drive down from Bakersfield had everything.  You climb up to 4000 feet then drop right back down. We saw farms hills "Wind Farms" and "Solar Farms".

The park people were very helpful and showed us right to our spot.  As we were parking Al came out with a cold beer and everything was alright with the world.

The park is very nice with a 9 hole golf course.
By the time we got setup and had a couple beer it was time to look around.  There is a pool and two hot tubs a pool table.  There are two games room where Kelly can lose money playing Texas hold'em and crib.

Sunday can as it usually does and we did a big shopping at Vons which is just like Safeway including that voice that tells the employees there is a call on line 2 for the produce department.

We signed up for a moderate to hard hike for monday and then just enjoyed the day.

Today 15 strangers tried to kill June and I.  Yup it was 7.2 miles up and over rocks and through miles of "wash". Yup we decided that at the end that we were toast.  All kidding aside the others were very helpful and there was no pressure.

That's the Salton Sea in the background of the top photo and the trail we started on. We were in the above crack in the valley and over time the sides collapse and there are trails through some of the valleys.  So had to climb over around and through them. It was very cool!  The whole trip took just over 6 hours and covered 7.2 miles. We climbed about 700 feet up and then down then up and then down then up.......see the pattern. We headed straight to the hot tubs and pool to cool down and recover.

We can't complain to much as we signed up for the thursday hike. Oh well I let you all know how that goes.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Orange is our favourite colour

We left Red Bluff rested and ready.  The drive to Santa Nella was interesting in that we saw literally miles and miles of orchards.  We left the hills behind and now it is flat land as far as you can see.  Sacramento and Stockton were adventures to drive through as both had road construction happening so lanes closed with little notice.  The highlight was being in the curb lane with a Semi to our left and cement barricade to our right and an aluminum ladder in front.  Kelly used the "Force" and missed them all.
Santa Nella Rv Park was very much like a government campground facilities wise and very much like a parking lot in every other way.  The Rv Park was at the apex of an off ramp that had gas stations fast food joints and one hotel.  Obviously just a deluxe rest stop. We Stayed for one night and headed on to Bakersfield.
The drive to Bakersfield follows even more orchards.  Miles and miles of Orange groves, apple, and almond trees. We decided to stay at the Orange Grove Rv Park in Bakersfield as our friends Rod and Sylvia recommended it(thanks Rod).  It was 20 degrees the sun was sunning and there were freaking oranges in the tree beside our trailer.  Yup when you get up in the morning you can just walk 10 paces to the orange tree and pick a couple for breakfast.  We decided to spend two days here.

We spent today at a wildlife refuge and saw quite a few critters. Kelly finally got to see a Roadrunner, now I know why the coyote was always chasing it. June saw this neat bunny that looks like it was crossed with a guinea pig.

All in all another great day.  Tomorrow should take us to Desert Hot Springs and the Sands Rv Park our final destination for the next 2 months.

Monday, 6 January 2014

California Dreaming

Well we made it! We are in Red Bluff California! After waking up in Myrtle Creek Oregon with a temperature of -1 C. Now we are in Red Bluff Ca. and it is 16 C. The drive through the pass was beautiful and uneventful, just the way we like it. 

Mt Shasta in the background.

We saw interesting landscapes and the Panda Cows of Central Pt. Yup the cows were black at both ends and white in the middle. We crossed a bridge and the water level looked about 30 feet lower than normal.

Even the cat seems to enjoy the warmer weather.

We may stay in Red Bluff for an extra day before heading off to Santa Nella. We need a day to rest and recoup and enjoy a none freezing day. We don't have to be in Desert Hot Springs until January 15th so we have some extra days.

Friday, 3 January 2014

A New Year and A New Adventure

Happy New Year to all

Well we head for the border tomorrow with Desert Hot Springs as our ultimate destination.  This dream of ours has been a long time coming and now we actually have to stop talking about it and start living it.  So far June and Kelly like the reality of the trip, Whiskers the cat thinks "nightmare" might be a better word.  We hope to get to the border for 9 am and were thinking of starting a pool to see how long it will take to cross.  We have heard from friends that it can take from 20 minutes to 6 hours to cross, so when we update next we will let you know. Since this is our first trip south we are not to sure what the availability of WiFi is, so we will update when possible.